Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
I'm Ellen, and I homeschool my kids in Hudson WI, which puts us in the odd position of living in both Wisconsin and the Twin Cities' metro area, so we have a foot in both the Wisconsin and Minnesota homeschooling communities. I built this website to try to give the homeschooling community a better, more flexible tool for networking and homeschool support.
Please feel free to join and post events and notes. If you have any trouble using the site, please let me know by emailing me at admin@homeschoolrecess.com
When you post a note or event, you will have the opportunity to choose who can see it-- this note is posted to the Minnesota Homeschooling group, and is also public, because that's what I chose for this note. If I hadn't decided to make it public, it would only be visible to members of the group who have logged in to the site.
Each post is categorized by the part of the state and age-range to which the post refers. This allows members to choose to only get posts that are relevant to them (look under "subscriptions" on the left to adjust your settings)
Thanks for stopping by!