National Geographic Xpeditions: online & offline geography activities and lesson plans
There are 2 ways for homeschoolers to use this website: parents can use the included lesson plans (grades 1-12 are represented) to teach about specific topics, or students can explore the virtual "Xpedition Hall" independently and learn about mapping and geography. The lesson plans are creative and use materials from respected scholars and artists. The Xpedition Hall requires reading, and is best suited for middle school age or older. The tasks in the Xpedition Hall emphasize understanding and applying geographic techniques and information, not rote memorization.
U. of Wisconsin Sea Grant: Great Lakes Education and Outreach
This site seems to be aiming to have all the information you'd need to understand the geography and ecology of the Great Lakes region. Most of the information is aimed at adults, but would be accessible to an interested child. There is also a Parent/Kids section with information on the birds, fish, frogs, and more of the Great Lakes.
National Geographic Kids website - games, geography & more
There's a lot of quality content on this free site. There are:
"" an introduction to physical geography
Physical Geography deals with Eartch Science and why the Earth is the way it is, it doesn't deal with political boundaries, or humanity much at all. Geography4kids is friendly, thorough website with lots of pictures that teaches about physical geography. Ideal for an enthusiastic upper elementary level student up through adults.
Animated Geography
Animations to demonstrate various processes in physical geography. (informative and interesting, but not funny)
Seterra is a challenging educational geography program with 70 different exercises. Learn about countries, capitals, flags and cities in Africa, Europe, South America, North America, Asia and Australia, using outline map exercises!
Mexico for Kids
History, Government, Explore, Biodiversity, Games, About Mexico, Geography, News
National Geographic Kids
Animals, Games, Activities, Videos, Stories, People and Places, and Photos.