Homeschool Art Adventures: Clay Series
Join other home school families for hands-on nature and arts activities every Wednesday morning. By combining the arts with math and science concepts, we will create a unique and enriching learning experience you won't want to miss! This is not a drop off program- at least one parent must accompany each group of 5 children. Reservations Required. $5.00 Fee for each session.
In the first series of classes, we'll use clay to explore the texture and form of our natural world.
Session 1: Introduction to Clay- Handbuilding
Session 2: Trimming, hand tools, imprinted nature tiles, extruding
Session 3: Wheel Throwing
Session 4: Introduction to the Kiln- Bisque Firing
Session 5: Glazes and Finishes
Session 6: Outdoor Firing (weather permitting- in case of rain, we will explore indoor firing)
Restricted to participants age 5 to 9.
The fee for this event is $5.00.
For more information and to register: