Chemistry Professor, Tutor and Homeschool Teacher
Saint Paul Tutoring
A trained scientist, woodworker, and long-time LEGO enthusiast, I bring my fascination with the natural world to helping my boys (and others) teach themselves how to learn.
Homeschool Educator
I love discovering new things. Everything I learn teaches me more about the God who made the universe, what went wrong, and how to fix it. I adventure with my two sons by doing school together. I also explore with my husband.
Youth and Community Programs Manager
Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA)
I create handmade books, book baskets, and paper architecture projects combining words and a variety of found and discarded materials. New work will be exhibited this summer at MCBA. I have been educating and encouraging people of all ages and skill levels as an instructor since 2001.
Open Book, 1011 Washington Ave. S., #100, Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-215-2520 http://www.mnbookarts.org
Center Director
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes
I am passionate about helping people reach their potential, working directly with children and their families. During the summer of 2014, I managed Seasonal Learning Clinics in Singapore and Tokyo. Currently, I oversee operations, instruction, and outreach at Twin Cities Learning Center.
3300 Edinborough Way, Suite 206, Edina, MN 55435 952-835-0700 http://lindamoodbell.com/location/twin-cities-mn-learning-center
I am a dabbler, a wanderer and a tinkerer with a passion to create. I am the family factotum and a self proclaimed pantologist of sorts. Among my many hats are those of homeschool mom, teacher, student, artist, designer, welder and volunteer extraordinaire.
Professional Grandpa
I wish I had been a grandfather all my adult life. I'm in contention for the “most miles hauling grandsons to events” championship. I've taught my grandsons the value of doing good work. Now they can shovel a driveway better than I ever could!
Homeschooler and Mother Extraordinaire
I am most passionate about experiencing nature and listening to what nature has to teach us. I hope to pass on to my children the sense that they can have a positive impact on others and on the world in which we live. By default I live with 5 pet chickens and a dog.
I'm a former homeschooling mom to 3 wonderful kids, currently I spend my time teaching quirky history classes at Planet Homeschool, administering the Peabody Test and trying to keep my family happy and healthy. I have a 127 pound Newfoundland dog who thinks he's a lap dog and drools a great deal! I also love crayola crayons and collect them and spend free time doing genealogy. My motto for life and all my classes is Question Everything!
Pilot. Outdoorswoman. Adventurer. Animal lover.
I've been an airline pilot since 1994 and a captain at JetBlue since 2007. I enjoy traveling. I have been to the Galapagos Islands and hiked to Machu Picchu, through the Grand Canyon, and from Mount Blanc to the Matterhorn. I enjoy fixing what's broken. But the best thing is being an aunt!

©Rohn Blake |
Event Organizer
Imagination Fair
I enjoy herding cats, getting ducks in a row, and event organizing. My favorites are Imagination Fair, Makers Market, my NaNoWriMo's YWP support group, and our annual excursion to the Osceola & St Croix Valley Railway. I'm a fan of the Merriam-Webster comma but accept that some prefer to save ink.
Professional Composer and Vocalist
My award-winning work has been performed throughout the United States and Europe and I regularly perform with The Gregorian Singers and other local professional vocal ensembles. I currently homeschool two of my three children, with my oldest now attending college.
I have been developing software and doing computer things for a long time in a variety of languages, positions, and capacities. I also enjoy making music and hanging out with my family.
Grow Intelligent Education Center
I am homeschooling mom of 3 and I absolutely love teaching, because through teaching I get to learn even more. I am passionate about children's development and quality education. I love reading, traveling, speaking and being around people. I love God and visit church every Sunday. Looking forward to see all your creative projects.
13601 Balsam Ln N, Dayton, MN 55327 952.220.3520 http://growintelligent.com
Project Director
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes
I am passionate about education and work with teachers across the country who utilize Lindamood-Bell programs in their classrooms. I love traveling, reading, basketball and music.
3300 Edinborough Way, Suite 206, Edina, MN 55435 952-835-0700 http://lindamoodbell.com/location/twin-cities-mn-learning-center
World adventurer/explorer. Pilot.
I studied anthropology, languages, and cross-cultural communication at Brown. My interests include hiking, technology, art, nature, and animals. I have been a kayak instructor, landscaper, and photographer. I learned to fly at age 30 and am now a pilot for United Airlines flying internationally.