Como Zoo Homeschool Class -ANIMAL TRACKS & TRACES (Ages 5–8)
Class description: Where do all the animals go during the cold winter months? The animals that brave our chilly winters are often hard to find, but leave several clues to their whereabouts. Take a wintery hike to discover the tracks and traces that give away the secrets of Minnesota's toughest animals.
Cost: $12/person
To register or for more information, see the Como Zoo website:
Como Zoo Homeschool Class -ENDANGERED SPECIES (Ages 9–15)
Class description: Learn about the conservation programs zoos and conservatories participate in to help endangered species everyday. Meet a variety of rare plants and animals that will give you good reason to make “earth-friendly” choices. Take home information that will empower you to make a difference.
Cost: $12/person
To register or for more information, see the Como Zoo website:
Como Zoo Homeschool Class -PLANT & ANIMAL PARTNERS – IN DEPTH (Ages 9–15)
Class description: Everything in nature is connected through the web of life. In this class, we’ll investigate some of the unique partnerships between plants and animals that make the world an amazing place to explore. In addition to reviewing concepts like food webs and plant and animal interdependencies, we will look deeper into specific plant and animal partnerships.
Cost: $12/person
To register or for more information, see the Como Zoo website:
Como Zoo Homeschool Class -PLANT & ANIMAL PARTNERS (Ages 5–8)
Class description: Sure animals depend on plants, but did you know plants depend on animals too? Everything in nature is connected through the web of life. In this class, we’ll investigate some of the unique partnerships between plants and animals that make the world an amazing place to explore.
Cost: $12/person
To register or for more information, see the Como Zoo website:
Como Zoo Homeschool Class -WOLVES (Ages 5–8)
Class description: As the center of many stories, myths, and legends, wolves have fascinated people for centuries. Join us as we learn about the daily lives and behaviors of wolves, examine how they communicate, and make a visit to the Wolf Woods exhibit at Como Zoo.
Cost: $12/person
To register or for more information, see the Como Zoo website:
Bell Museum of Natural History
Extreme Science
Extreme Science is the place online to find the biggest, baddest, and the best in the world of extremes and learn about the science behind what makes each the most extreme example of its kind. Here you'll find world records in natural science, including earth science and the plant and animal kingdom.
Ask a Scientist at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
"Ask a scientist" welcomes questions about medicine, human biology, animals, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, and evolution. There are links to their top ten questions, careers in science, and science fair project ideas as well.
National Geographic Kids
Animals, Games, Activities, Videos, Stories, People and Places, and Photos.